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Solid Waste Customer Assistance Program

Los Osos residents, within Los Osos District boundaries, that are Mission Country Disposal Customers and are looking for financial assistance to help with your Solid Waste/Trash bill may be qualified for the Solid Waste Customer Assistance Program. This program allows for a 20% low-income discount to be provided to residential customers using a 32-gallon or 19-gallon cart service with evidence of qualifying financial hardship.

A customer is eligible to receive rate assistance if they receive:

  • Supplemental Social Security Income (SSI); or
  • CalFresh Food Stamps (Notice of Approval); or
  • CalWorks (AFDC) (Notice of Approval); or
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF); or
  • Veteran Survivor Pension Benefits Documentation (must show the account holder's name as well as the service address).

Be sure to redact Social Security Numbers or data sensitive information.  Name on documentation must match name as Mission Country Disposal account holder.

To get your APN please go to the County of SLO APN Property Inquiry Website

Applicant must supply one of the above with application. You can either email it to Laura Durban or bring it to the District Office Monday-Friday 9am-4pm. 

Apply Below

Click Here to Apply Online

Click Here to receive a Downloadable Paper Application

Terms of Eligibility

Customers are eligible for the reduction until such time as they no longer meet the established standards.   Eligibility for this program must be renewed annually . Please make sure all of the questions have been answered. If the application is incorrect or incomplete, the reduced rate could be delayed or denied. If you have questions, please call (805) 528-9370 x 435 or email Laura Durban by clicking here

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