Request for Bid for the Ferrell Footpath Project
The Los Osos Community Services District hereby invites sealed bids which will be received at the District’s office located at 2122 9th Street, Los Osos, CA 93402, until April 22, 2021, at 3 p.m. local time. Received bids will be tabulated and sent to all bidders via email the following business day by 11 am. The Work includes providing all necessary labor, materials, accessories, equipment, and supervision to provide an asphalt foot path, approximately 270 feet in length, extending between Ferrell Avenue and 7th Street, Los Osos, CA. The bidder may contact Steve Tanaka at 805-544-4011 for additional information.
2021-02-27 Ferrell Footpath Project Manual.pdf2021-04-05 Addendum 1.pdf