October 2020 LOCSD ENEWS Online
It's That Time of Year - Winter Irrigation Schedule

Water Conservation is a way of life here in Los Osos. Help us start the Fall and Winter months off by conserving water and change your programmable irrigtation. For more information on Water Conservation please see the District's Water Conservation Page.
Interested In Becoming A Reserve Fire Fighter In Los Osos?

South Bay Station - 15 is hiring more Reserve Firefighters. For more details please call 805-528-1053
- Monday November 16th at 5PM: Applications are due to South Bay – Station 15 office
- Saturday November 21st: MANDATORY Physical Ability Test
- Sunday November 22nd: MANDATORY Oral Interviews
Applications are available at 2315 Bayview Hieghts Dr. in Los Osos.
Plastic Bags Cannot Be Recycled In Your Curbside Recycling

-From San Luis Obispo County Integrated Waste Management Authority
When it comes to disposing of plastic bags, they must be tossed into the garbage. Plastic bags cannot be recycled in your curbside recycling. Let’s breakdown why they are so problematic when tossed in the wrong bin.
The reason lies in how things get recycled.
Everything in your recycling bin first goes to a Material Recovery Facility (MRF) where items get sorted into like piles. Plastic bottles end up in their own pile, as does cardboard, glass, steel, aluminum, and other types of hard plastic containers. Plastic bags, however, do not end up in their own special pile but instead in the leftovers called “residuals”. The residuals go to the landfill and are essentially all of the material that were not supposed to be put in the recycle bin in the first place. Plastic bags are residual because they can’t be efficiently sorted with the machinery available at Materials Recovery Facilities.
Not only do plastic bags end up in the landfill, they reduce the efficiency of recycling at the MRF. Plastic bags, because of their lightweight and flimsy nature, can easily get tangled in the machinery. Think of what would happen, for example, if you tried to vacuum a plastic bag. Chances are it would get wrapped around the rotating brush of the vacuum and get clogged somewhere along the system. That is essentially what happens at the MRF, at which point workers have to shut down the entire operation and climb into the dangerous machinery to remove the bag.
So next time you need to dispose of a plastic bag remember to toss it in the trash and not the recycling. If the non-recyclable plastic waste is upsetting to you, try avoiding using plastic bags in the first place.
For more information on what can or cannot be recyceled please go to https://iwma.com/
Your billing cycle occurs every two months and District crews begin reading water meters on the 10th of the month.
Your water bill reflects those two months of water consumption and is billed accordingly.
Water bills are mailed around the 18th of the month, due upon receipt, and late if not received by the 15th of the following month.
The District is not responsible for bills being lost in the mail or not delivered.
If you have not received your bill by the 25th of the month please call.
If your bill is not paid by the 15th, a late charge of 10% will be assessed to the billed amount with immediate payment due.
If you need to contact the District for payment arrangements or other billing issues, call us at 805-528-9370. Staff is available by phone Monday through Friday between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm
Thank you for being a valued customer of the Los Osos Community Services District. Customer satisfaction is one of our goals.
Thank You!
Upcoming Meetings for October/November 2020
LOCSD is also continuing with their monthly Board, Utilities Advisory Committee, Finance Advisory Committee and Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Meetings.
Pursuant to Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-29-20, members of the Board of Directors, staff and public may participate in this meeting via teleconference and/or electronically.
Until this order is lifted, all LOCSD meetings will be held via Zoom. Information for each meeting and how to get connected is available on the Agenda for each meeting which can be found on the LOCSD
Website which is posted a minimum of 72 hours before the meeting time.
Our upcoming meetings are:
Utilities Advisory Committee Meeting - October 21, 2020 @ 5:30PM
Finance Advisory Committee Meeting - November 2, 2020 @ 5:30PM
Board of Directors Meeting - November 5, 2020 @ 6PM
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting - November 17, 2020 @5:30PM
Utilities Advisory Committee Meeting - November 18, 2020 @ 5:30PM
The LOCSD Boardroom will NOT be open for accessing the meetings until State direction is given and meetings can occur. For more information about the upcoming meetings for LOCSD, please go to our website, or click here.