May 2021 LOCSD ENEWS Online
Water Quality Report for 2020
The Los Osos Community Service District water system service area customers will have an additional insert with their water bills in the months of May and June 2021. This insert is the Consumer Confidence Report for the 2020 calendar year. This report provides information about our water quality from laboratory analyses during the year. We test the drinking water quality for many constituents as required by state and federal regulations.
As you may be aware, Los Osos relies on groundwater wells for drinking water. Some of the characteristics of groundwater is that it has naturally occurring hardness, higher concentrations of dissolved solids, and dissolved gasses. The state refers to constituents in water as contaminants. This doesn’t mean your water poses a health risk. The State sets maximum contaminant levels for different constituents in drinking water. There are primary and secondary constituents. The primary constituents address public health and the secondary constituents address aesthetics like odor, taste, and appearance.
In the report you will find tables with the name of the chemical or constituent, the year sampled, the level detected (average), a range of detection, the maximum contaminant level (the highest level allowed), the public health goal (the level below which there is no known or expected risk to health), along with a typical source. You will notice that many of these constituents are naturally occurring in the environment.
We are pleased to present you with the water quality results of the 2020 calendar year. Please go to the 2020 Consumer Confidence Report page to see more information. If you have any further questions do not hesitate to contact Margaret Falkner at 805-528-9376.
Rent and Utility Relief available!

If you’re struggling with paying rent due to a COVID-19 financial hardship, and you’re an income eligible household, help is here! You can receive help with past due or future rent and utilities, especially if you’re at risk of eviction. To check eligibility and apply, go to or call 833-430-2122.
Los Osos Public Chipping Event
San Luis Obispo County Fire Safe Council, in partnership with the Los Osos Community Services District and San Luis Obispo County Fire Department, will be hosting a public chipping event in Los Osos. Events like this are important steps to reduce hazardous fuel in Los Osos.
The event will be May 16th from 9:00AM to 4:00PM. Material to be chipped may be brought to Fairchild Way and Los Olivos Ave, where crews will direct vehicles on off-loading procedure. Personnel at the event will facilitate off-loading of material. Branches must be no larger than 6” in diameter. Soil and rock will not be accepted. No construction material (treated or untreated lumber) will be accepted.
Please follow current CDC guidelines regarding COVID 19 precautions.
Weed Abatement and Cleaing Around Your Water Meter Box

It is the responsibility of the property owner/customer to keep the space around the meter box clear and free of any obstructions; including overgrown vegetation, shrubs, planter boxes, retaining walls, or any other improvement that encroach on the meter box site and interferes with District employees getting access to our equipment.
We urge you to survey the area around your meter box and take the necessary action to fulfill this request. Please contact us at (805) 528-9376 if you have questions.
Should the Customer fail to provide the necessary clearance around our meter box, the District has authority to remove such obstructions and charge the Customer for labor and materials.
The meter box site is usually on the frontage of your property in the Utilities right-of-way. Some corner lots may have their meter on the side of the property in the right-of-way.
Please see the picture above illustrating an example of the clearance required around the meter box.
From our Friends at Los Osos Middle School
From our friends at Los Osos Middle School - 4/29/2021
Hello Los Osos Community Members, both the LOMS Community and the Community At-Large,
I am very well aware that a big part of the culture in Los Osos is that the LOMS fields can often double as a great place for community members to come and workout, take a walk, and for some, bring their dogs to the LOMS lower field.
Since last March when we locked down, and didn't have students on campus at all, this culture has grown significantly. Not only have community members utilized the field as a safe recreation location, many of you have been exercising your dogs also. Education Code, District regulations, and County ordinances specify that no dogs are allowed on school campuses at all, for obvious safety and health reasons. I will say that in my 10 years here, there has never been much of an issue with dog droppings, which is a testament to the community for being responsible dog owners.
Now that we are back in session, we have students on campus from 7:15am till often 4:30pm. We also have multiple community groups, soccer, little league, and others that rent the fields past the school's use time. It is paramount that community members not be on our campus from 7:15-4:30pm and we follow the no dogs on campus policy. This includes spectators who bring their dogs while watching their kids participate in LOMS or Youth Sports.
It is very important to remember that the main purpose of our schools is to provide a safe and secure environment for our kids learning and extracurricular activities. We will be reminding our community members about the regulations and hope that you will also spread the word that school is back in session and we have kids on campus, which we celebrate each and every day.
Thank you for being such a strong and supportive community for our kids at all our schools.
Karl Blum
Principal - Los Osos Middle School
Upcoming Meetings for May 2021 and June 2021
LOCSD is also continuing with their monthly Board, Utilities Advisory Committee, Finance Advisory Committee and Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Meetings.
Pursuant to Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-29-20, members of the Board of Directors, staff and public may participate in this meeting via teleconference and/or electronically.
Until this order is lifted, all LOCSD meetings will be held via Zoom. Information for each meeting and how to get connected is available on the Agenda for each meeting which can be found on the LOCSD Website which is posted a minimum of 72 hours before the meeting time.
Our upcoming meetings are:
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting - May 18, 2021 @ 5:30PM
Utilities Advisory Committee Meeting - May 19, 2021 @5:30PM
Emergency Services Advisory Committee Meeting - May 20, 2021 @5:30PM
Finance Advisory Committee Meeting - TUESDAY June 1, 2021 @ 5:30PM
Board of Directors Meeting Open Session - June 3, 2021 @ 6PM - Streamed live on the Districts facebook page at
Utilities Advisory Committee Meeting - June 16, 2021 @5:30PM
Finance Advisory Committee Meeting - June 28, 2021 @ 5:30PM
The LOCSD Boardroom will NOT be open for accessing the meetings until State direction is given and meetings can occur. For more information about the upcoming meetings for LOCSD, please go to our website, or click here.