Joint Water Purveyor Public Comment to the Proposed County of SLO Title 19 Amendments-Los Osos Water Offset Program
On December 14th, Los Osos CSD, in coordination with Golden State Water and S&T Mutual Water Company, sent a joint water purveyor letter to the County of SLO providing Public Comment on the proposed Title 19 Amendments regarding the Los Osos Water Offset Program.
The letter requests an extension for the public comment period through the end of January 2024, as well as expressing concerns on the following issues:
- Lack of robust water savings verification
- Inclusion of outdoor water conservation measures in the program
- The process of including offsets in the prohibition zone
- Inaccurate calculation of water savings based on household size
In addition, there were 7 questions for clarification or to identify errors in the proposed Title 19 Amendments that should be corrected.
You can see a copy of the signed letter by clicking on the PDF below.
Los Osos Groundwater Basin Water Purveyor Comments re: County of San Luis Obispo’s Title 19/ Los Osos Water Offset Program Ordinance AmendmentsSee below for the Public Review Draft of the amendments to the Title 19 (Retrofit-to-Build) and Title 8 (Retrofit-Upon-Sale) ordinances, which contain the codified Los Osos water offset program. Public Comment can be made through December 31st, 2023. Please send all comments to Claire Momnerger at via email or via mail to the Department:
ATTN: Los Osos Ordinance Amendments/Claire Momberger
976 Osos Street, Room 300
San Luis Obispo, CA 93408
Los Osos Water Offset Update - Title 19 and Title 8 - PUBLIC REVIEW DRAFT PACKAGE.pdf