District Rebate Program
The Los Osos Board of Directors has created a rebate program to help you save money with your conservation efforts. The following items are approved for the Fiscal Year 2024/2025 Rebate Program.
2024/2025 REBATE ITEMS

FLUME Smart Water Monitor
Rebate Amount: For a limited time, Los Osos Community Service District (LOCSD) residents can purchase a Flume Smart Water Monitor for just $99+ tax & shipping (after instant rebate from LOCSD)!
www.Flumewater.com/locsd - Must purchase from the Flume Water website.
Toilets: 1.0 Flow or lower
Rebate Amount: 50% of receipt price not to exceed $100
Rebate only for customers reducing from 1.6 to 1.0 flow toilets
Limit 2 toilet rebates per household.
(Dual flush toilets do not qualify at this time)
Clothes Washer
Washer must be listed on the Certified Clothes Washers List PDF (Click the link to see the list) and must have at least a water factor of 4.0 or less to be eligible for rebate
Residential Clothes Washers Qualifying Product List | Energy Efficiency Program Library (cee1.org)
Rebate Amount: $200
On Demand/Point of Use Tank-less Water Heater
System: Gas or Electric
Rebate Amount: $200
Residental Water Heater Product List
Hot Water Recirculation System
Any System
Rebate Amount: 50% of receipt price not to exceed $250
Rain Catchment
Any Size or Brand
Rebate Amount: 50% of receipt price not to exceed $100
Program Guidelines
The District Rebate Form is available below or at the District front office.
All Rebate Form requests must be accompanied by a receipt dated no earlier than July 1, 2024. Contractor installation receipt may be required for some items.
Once a particular item is rebated to that home, no other rebates will be allowed for that item.
Rebates will not be given if you have already received a rebate from the County.