Board of Directors Meeting
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Agenda Item 7A Attachment - Vista de Oro.pdf
- Agenda Item 7A Attachment - Drainage not in Fire.pdf
- Agenda Item 7A Attachment - Bayridge Estates.pdf
- Agenda Item 7A Attachment - Drainage.pdf
- Agenda Item 7A Attachment - WW Assessment District 1.pdf
- Agenda Item 7A Collect Assessments and Charges on FY15-16 Tax Rolls.pdf
- Agenda Item 7B FY15-16 Special Fire Tax Attachment.pdf
- Agenda Item 7B FY15-16 Special Fire Tax.pdf
- Agenda Item 7C Delinquent Water Accounts.pdf
- Agenda Item 9A Fire Department Report.pdf
- Agenda Item 9B Utilities Report.pdf
- Agenda Item 11B Approve Meeting Minutes 06.04.15 and 06.30.15.pdf
- Agenda Item 11C Warrant Register for June 2015.pdf
- Agenda Item 11D Expenditure Report thru 05.31.15.pdf
- Agenda Item 11E Reaffirm Cooperative Fire Protection Agreement and Update Schedules A-E.pdf
- Agenda Item 11F Award Bid Solar Panels Station 15-SB.pdf
- Agenda Item 11H Closeout Prop 84 Nitrate Removal Grant.pdf
- Agenda Item 11I Continue FY15-16 Budget Hearing.pdf
- Agenda Item 12A CSDA 2015 Board Elections.pdf
- Agenda Item 12B Sea Water Intrusion Update.pdf
- Agenda Item 12B Sea Water Intrusion Update Attachment Cleath-Harris Report.pdf
- Agenda Item 12B Sea Water Intrusion Update Attachment Wallace Report.pdf